Week 5 – 100days illustration project


Some of the characters of the illustrations in this week I just see on the street. Like the girl on the bike with a cat in her backpack (which she was wearing in front, to be able to keep an eye on the cat). I like seeing things like this, because I would not have thought about it myself. Observing is a thing I like to do :) Or thinking up funny situations, like the boy who wants to be an astronaut, using his fish bowl, but the fish is still there too…

I have experimented with outlines this week. I want a contour of, for instance, a face to be clear, but I do not want to make a black lines around everything. So I have tried with colour pencil or with only using a few black lines to accent things. I think it worked out quite well in the purple haired girl illustration and the illustration of the cute couple.



29/100 – girl with cat on bike


30/100 – astronaut boy


31/100 – relaxing in the park


32/100 – girl reading & dreaming


33/100 – purple haired girl


34/100 – cute couple


35/100 – girl with pink shirt


